students hiking through brownfields

About the College

Everywhere you look the need for prepared scientists, mathematicians, and educators is clear. Our College serves the University, State, and Nation, providing academically rigorous undergraduate and graduate programs yielding diverse baccalaureate, certificate, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The foundation of which is the combination of discovery-based courses and research opportunities with our renowned faculty.

These highly-skilled faculty with internationally recognized credentials and research depth are actively engaged in discovery, teaching and learning. These student-oriented professionals are committed to the highest standards of education in the classroom, the laboratory and the field. They are active participants in a rich dialogue with students in scientific depth and educational breadth. Students are encouraged to discover new knowledge and evaluate their existing knowledge critically and rigorously.

Centers and institutes in our College support specialized 21st Century science and math disciplines. Beyond the campus, we build strong connections with industries and K-12 schools, collaborating regionally, nationally, and internationally. We continually adapt programs to meet global needs, offering excellent undergraduate and graduate programs, including transdisciplinary programs addressing societal demands. Offerings include:

Research in the College is a key component of a student’s experience. Our research is global with opportunities in Panama, Antarctica, Thailand, China and Ecuador. CSAM faculty and students publish in top tier journals and are well funded through support from:

NASA LogoNASA National Institutes of HealthNIH NJ Department of Enironmental ProtectionNJ DEP National Science FoundationNSF Sea GrantSea Grant US Department of EducationUS Dept of Education US Environmental Protection AgencyUS EPA Bristol Myers Squibb logoBristol Myers Squibb NovartisNovartis PSEGPSEG RocheRoche Pharmaceuticals

CSAM offers an array of activities and non-curricular programs for our students and alumni. Distinguished speakers present on diverse topics with previous lecturers like neuropsychologist Oliver Sacks and string theorist Brian Green. Seminars are hosted in all departments, welcoming internal and external presenters whose work and specializations cover countless topics.

The College also offers a Science Professional Series, helping students learn how to stand out in their respective job markets. Industry professionals discuss what they, and their companies, look for when hiring and what skills to focus on. An annual University-wide Student Research Symposium provides all CSAM students an opportunity to showcase their research and improve their presentation skills.

Creating and sharing novel science pedagogy is prominent in centers like the Bristol-Myers Squibb Science Teaching and Learning Center. Community links with cutting-edge research in various areas including the:

CSAM majors have access to a reserved Residence Hall floor in Einstein Hall. We believe in establishing community rooted in our passions and pursuits in science and math. Programs like the NSF funded AMPS (Alliance for Minority Participation in the Sciences) deepen this community bringing together students with similar backgrounds.

With vast academic, research and collaborative opportunities throughout our four buildings on campus, it’s a perfect time to get involved in science and mathematics at Montclair!

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