person handling mouse in the vivarium

Vivarium Access Requirements

Access to the Montclair State University Vivarium is limited to university authorized personnel and to those listed on current IACUC approved protocols. See below for instructions to obtain access.

Montclair Vivarium User Access Requirements

  1. Valid Montclair ID card
  2. Complete Right to Know lab safety training
  3. To be listed on a current IACUC- approved animal use protocol
  4. Complete the online CITI training modules (registration required)
    1. ACU – Lab/Vivarium researchers
    2. Working with (Mice, Rats or Gerbils) in research
    3. Animal Biosafety Training
  5. Complete Occupational Health Screening. *
  6. Complete a Vivarium Orientation (contact Vivarium Director)

* If needed, request hands-on training (contact Vivarium Director)

Montclair Vivarium Visitor Access Requirements

Visitors are persons, without current vivarium access, who are invited to the vivarium by researchers to observe and/or participate in research activities. Visitors may be affiliated or non-affiliated with Montclair.

  1. Montclair researchers interested in bringing visitors to the vivarium must have the visitor fill out the Visitor Questionnaire 1 week prior to the planned visit.

For more information, visit the Visitor Guidelines site.

For questions, contact