For CSAM majors, understanding course prerequisites and course sequencing is extremely important. Decisions regarding course selection for each semester should be made collaboratively with your department academic advisor to ensure you are meeting the correct requirements and remaining on track to graduate on time.
Academic advisors do more than work with students to plan their coursework each semester, however. Academic advisors support and partner with students helping them make informed decisions, develop appropriate goals in pursuit of academic success, and plan for the future. The relationship you develop with your faculty advisor is one of the most important relationships you will have throughout your academic career.
We want you to be informed, empowered and proactive!
Working With Your Academic Advisor
The relationship between advisor and advisee is one of shared responsibility. Though you as a student are ultimately responsible for the choices you make in college, the University realizes that in order to make informed decisions, students need the mentoring and advice of academic advisors and others in the University community. Your academic advisor is your primary resource regarding academic issues, opportunities and programs and could perhaps be thought of as the coordinator of your educational experiences.
Know Your Responsibilities as a Student
- Take initiative to contact and schedule appointments with your advisor
- Prepare questions, have a schedule planned when meeting about registration
- Seek sources and gather decision-making information for academic and career success
- Ask questions until you understand policies, procedures and requirements
- Be aware of your major/program requirements and course prerequisites
- Follow University procedures for registration and schedule modification
- Know deadlines
- Keep your advisor informed of academic progress, course selection and your goals
- Keep a personal record of your progress towards your degree and have information accessible
- Participate and complete assignments for classes
- Check your Montclair State University e-mail frequently
- Inform your advisor or the Dean’s Office immediately whenever a serious problem (medical, financial, personal) arises
Know Your Advisor’s Responsibilities
- Clarify university policies, regulations, programs and procedures
- Be available to meet with students each semester
- Keep regular office hours and be adequately available to meet with students
- Assist students in developing an academic plan that satisfies degree requirements
- Be a responsive listener and refer students to appropriate support services
- Discuss students’ academic performance and the implications in their program
- Help students explore their interests, abilities and goals and to relate them to academic majors
- Be knowledgeable about career opportunities and refer students to Career Services
- Encourage students to participate in mentorships helping them become more independent and self-directed
CSAM Academic Advising
Drop by Richardson Hall room 283 to meet with an advisor!

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Associate Director of Academic Advising