Specialist and child playing with sandbox

Lamaze Childbirth Education and Clinical Support

Workshops to help prepare for baby and support the caregiver-baby dyad in the important moments and months after birth.

Childbirth education initiatives offered through the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health (CAECMH) at Montclair State University serve to promote optimal prenatal and perinatal mental health. These programs incorporate principles of infant mental health and the social-emotional domain of early childhood by way of accessible classes, workshops and webinars that aim to promote positive health outcomes and reduce disparities.

The Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health is proud to be a recognized Lamaze International training site.


The Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health at Montclair State University also offers a variety of groups for expectant parents, new parents and babies, children and professionals who work with children. Click on the name of each group for more information.